
Thought for the Day

 "Who can grasp the Lord’s meaning in his creation and beyond it? Who can tie up with a short string the unbounded bouquet of wisdom? Who can tame the jungle of his incomprehensibility? See how man’s spirit and whole being lies, like the bowl of an impetuous fountain, under the downpour of so many mysteries. Let it gush! By letting it gush you will grasp what you can, and what you can is to be a bowl for the flood. Open up heart and brain and do not attempt to clutch tightly. By being washed out you will become purified. The strange thing that flows through you is precisely the meaning you seek. … Everything must enter this current, like icefloes that crack open under the sun with a roar and lose their own shape and roll out to the sea in a mighty tumble. But this movement is produced by the heartbeat at the Center, and what appeared to be a chaotic impulse is the blood circulating in the Body of the cosmic Christ. This is the body in which you are to flow, letting y

Church teachings and misconceptions.

Someone on a Facebook group I admin for passed this along for discussion in the group. My response follows:  "Protestant Friend: We are all born sinners but baptism does not cleanse sin, it’s the next step of obedience from repentance and belief. The age of accountability differs between each child, there’s no set age, it’s just when they can say they believe in the gospel (Mark 16:16) The Baptist church is not Protestant because we never protested the Catholic Church, everything we believe comes out of the Bible which is why scripture needs to back up everything. Being saved is by grace through faith and not of works, it’s not something we have to earn or work for, it’s a gift given by God. There’s no Limbo There’s no purgatory And of course we worship the saints and Mary." My general response: Firstly, just a general reminder that we need to operate in charity. Even with what seems to be very close-minded people who are saying things that are factually untrue, we still h

Gwledig: I need this title


Amazing Article

 An assistant priest at my parish wrote this very amazing piece about the death of his nephew that he got to baptize before he died. It is worth a read. It was basically the homily he preached for Good Friday this year.

Happy Easter!


A Prayer for Good Friday

 Father, look with love upon your people, the love which our Lord Jesus Christ showed us when he delivered himself to evil men and suffered the agony of the cross, for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. — Amen. -Closing prayer from the Office of Morning Prayer, Catholic Breviary. 

Game Recommendation: Beaver Creek

I have discovered in the last year that I love board games. I had to largely give up video games because I have been getting occasional migraines, and sometimes starting at flashing computers screens can trigger them. When I say board games, I do not the moldy oldies that everyone has played (and probably hates) like Monopoly or Clue , but a lot of the new wave of games that have been published in the last 10 years that are amazing. Many even come with Solo player modes now where you can play by yourself. There are some really amazing ones out there like Terraforming Mars and Spirit Island . I discovered a really fun one last week. It's cheap and small called Beaver Creek . It is a bit hard to find, but you can find it as of this writing on gaming sites like or the Jungle River (I don't advocate buying from the 'Zon, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do to find some items.) This game is sort of a combination of Jenga and Pick Up Sticks . Y