As we journey through Lent, the theme of "I AM WHO AM" resonates profoundly, particularly in light of this coming Sunday’s Mass readings. This phrase, revealed to Moses at the burning bush, encapsulates the essence of God’s eternal presence and unchanging nature, inviting us to reflect on our identity in relation to the Divine, and the transformative call to holiness. Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15 recounts the moment when Moses encounters God on Mount Horeb. The burning bush, aflame yet not consumed, symbolizes the holiness of God and His desire to engage with humanity. When God reveals His name, “I AM WHO AM,” He establishes Himself as the ultimate source of existence and reality. This declaration serves as a profound reminder that God is not defined by human limitations or circumstances; rather, He is the ground of all being, ever-present and ever-faithful. As we reflect on this passage during Lent, we are called to recognize our own identity in ...