In my current job, we are hiring for an “administrative specialist.” (If anyone wants to submit a résumé, shoot me an e-mail off blog or leave me a comment which won’t be published). Since I am the office supervisor, it has largely fallen to me to read over the résumés submitted either in person or online through Given the current job climate (not phenomenally good or bad but mediocre), I have been astounded (one might even call it flabbergasted) at the horrendous level of résumés that have been submitted. We have had a few stellar ones, but mostly they have been stuff my 6th grade teacher would come out of retirement to beat me with a ruler if she ever got wind that I had turned in such odious fare. Now, I am not a marketing guru, job head hunter, or a flaming grammar Nazi (okay, maybe the latter), but here’s my two cents for anyone considering submitting a résumé for a job. They seem pretty simple, but they do make a major difference, even if you are just mindlessly s...