
Christian Discipleship and the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

      Christian discipleship is a profound journey that encompasses the call to follow Christ, embody His teachings, and engage in a transformative relationship with God and others. Today’s Mass readings provide insights into the essence of discipleship, revealing themes of suffering, empathy, service, and the radical redefinition of greatness.       Isaiah 53:10-11 introduces us to the concept of the suffering servant, a figure who bears the sins and iniquities of many. This passage highlights that true discipleship often involves a willingness to embrace suffering for the sake of others. The suffering servant’s anguish leads to justification and healing, illustrating that through suffering, one can participate in God’s redemptive plan. For Christians, this means that discipleship is not merely about personal gain or comfort; it is about entering into the suffering of the world and allowing that experience to transform us. The call to discipleship invites us to recognize that our st

I can't disagree

 I am usually not one for top ten lists, but this list of the all time Top 10 college football offenses is pretty spot on. I still maintain the 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers could have beaten at least 95% of the NFL teams that year handedly. Tommie Frasier ran through an entire Florida Gator defense, still one of the most amazing plays ever.

For all things, there is a season

    A few days ago, one of the intellectual geniuses in the rogue's gallery we have running for US President currently was attempting to make some political point. The Good Lord only knows what the point was supposed to be, but this candidate kept trying to quote scripture from the "Book of Ecclesiasticks." The media largely papered over the idiotic comment (probably because basic Bible knowledge among members of the press is virtually zero), but it was somewhat amusing in that this candidate both quoted the passage wrong, and even got the name of the book incorrect, as there is no such book. (For those scoring at home, it is the Book of Ecclesiastes -although a book literally meaning the Church Sticks would indeed be a marvelous addition to the canon.)     Never the less, there is a marvelous passage from the Book of Ecclesiastes , that reads in the good ole King Jimmy Version thusly: Chapter 3  1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the he

My boardgaming journey, part II

     Last week, I posted a bit on my hobby of board gaming. I was not sure if anyone would read that post, as it is not my usual faire on this blog. For whatever reason, that post got way more views than anything I have posted in a while. For what it's worth, I will continue my little series of monographs on board gaming, as there appears to be some interest.      My assumption for these first few board game blog posts is to start with the basics that I wish I had known when I started getting into board gaming. As I went into in my first post on this topic, I largely blundered into the modern board gaming world quite by accident. I played a lot of video games over the years, but my knowledge of board games was largely stuck in the moldy oldies of my youth like Monopoly, Scrabble, Clue. Probably the most recent game in the board gaming of my youth was Jenga (or the cheap side ripoff I owned called Stak Attack).     Given that background, there were basically not a lot of what gamer

Christ and Relationships

     The Mass readings for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time delve into the nature of human relationships, particularly the sacrament of marriage, and the divine intention behind human companionship. Together, these passages weave a narrative that emphasizes the sanctity of relationships, the dignity of humanity, and the call to love in a manner that reflects God's own love for us.     In Genesis 2:18-24, we encounter the creation of woman as a companion for man. The text reveals God’s intention in creating humanity: “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” This declaration highlights the relational aspect of human existence, emphasizing that solitude is contrary to God’s design. The creation of Eve from Adam’s rib symbolizes equality and intimacy, establishing a partnership that is meant to be deeply connected. The passage culminates in the profound statement that “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and t

My board gaming journey, pt. I

     Something a bit different today than my normal reflections. I thought I would delve a little bit more into a topic that is not necessarily theological in nature. I am a real person, and not some ethereal doctor in an ivory tower who gets to smoke a pipe and contemplate the infinite mysteries all day. So, today, I thought I would delve into one of my personal hobbies: board gaming.      Now, do not tune me out because you hear "board gaming" and immediately default in your brain to your brother overturning a table with Monopoly money flying everywhere because the game has gone on for hours and overturning the table was the only option left other than murder. Most people, including myself at one time, thought of board games as those boring or frustrating games that seem stuck in 1952. You know the usual suspects: Clue!, Monopoly, Scrabble, Chess, maybe even more saccharine games like Life or Candy Land, i.e. those games that everyone owned at some point in their childhood

Sick on numerous levels...

Found this little news article on the BBC. Sarco can't make this up.