Nicholas Ferrar
December 1st is the Feast Day of Nicholas Ferrar in the Episcopal Church. (It's December 4th in the Church of England.) I have never been quite certain why he is on the American calendar of Saints. He lived in the early 1600s in Cambridgeshire, England, and was an ordained deacon. He and his family retired early in life to a quiet and largely abandoned corner of Huntingdonshire to a hamlet called Little Gidding. Ferrar and his family largely created a community of prayer. The manor and little church attached to the manor became an outpost of continual prayer following the designs of the Book of Common Prayer. As the story goes, someone from the family was always in the chapel at prayer, day or night. They took literally the Biblical call to pray without ceasing. This, of course, was the days between Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries in England and the revival of any form of monasticism or religious orders in England that really didn't arise again until the 18...