The significance of the palms in the reading from Mark’s Gospel (11:1-10) that we heard at the beginning of Mass is not merely symbolic. The palms carry profound spiritual meaning for us as followers of Christ. Palms were a symbol of victory and triumph in ancient times, often waved to honor heroes and conquerors. As Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah, the crowds recognized Him as their victorious King, the one who would deliver them from oppression and usher in the Kingdom of God. The palms, however, not only represent victory but also humility. Jesus, the Son of God, chose to enter Jerusalem not on a magnificent steed befitting a worldly king, but on a humble donkey, embodying the humility and meekness that characterize His kingdom. His choice of transportation was a deliberate proclamation of His mission: to bring salvation not through earthly power and might, but through sacrificial love and hu...