
Showing posts from April, 2015

A reason to be hopeful...

I don't think Justice Kennedy is going to go along with it this time . "One ­­of the problems is when you think about these cases you think about words or cases, and—and the word that keeps coming back to me in this case is—is millennia, plus time. First of all, there has not been really time, so the respondents say, for the federal system to engage in this debate …  But still, 10 years is—I don’t even know how to count the decimals when we talk about millennia. This definition has been with us for millennia. And it—it’s very difficult for the Court to say, oh, well, we—we know better."

Welcome to the New Normal.

Disturbing. Very Disturbing. And they wonder why people don't trust the justice system anymore.

Exactly right

"What’s more, I think protest can actually backfire. The simple storyline playing in the theater of the public mind is that gay people are victims of oppression. That’s a story that logically requires an oppressor. Since opponents of gay marriage have mostly learned to speak cautiously and humbly, the unending need for bad guys requires hatred to be picked out of even the flimsiest materials." - From here.

There's a term for this...

it's called TAX FRAUD . (Please note: this is from Reuters, not some right wing news source.)

Oldest Footage of London Ever


Sunday Afternoon Jazz


Saving Tomato Seeds

Good article here on how to save tomato seeds for replanting the next spring.

Where the Money goes...

Good stuff here on the federal budget (or lack thereof).

Something original in the Abortion debate

I grow rather skeptical of debating abortion and pro-life issues sometimes because rarely do I ever encounter an argument on either side of the debate that is new or novel or has not been said in some way a hundred times before. I ran across this article today which I find all sorts of interesting . I find the logic at the end to be muddled to the point of going off the rails, but the first half is truly excellent. I have never considered the angle that the irony of the Roe v Wade decision was, in fact, adjudicated by an all male Supreme Court. I don't know why that never occurred to me, as it seems glaringly honest, but an interesting pro-feminist slant against the ruling was refreshing. I did know that only 7 justices actually heard the case, and it was taken only as a point of procedure having to do with whether the Supreme Court even had jurisdiction to hear the case, which is why there was no lower trial or appellate court proceedings or findings of fact at all: the whole t...

I may have to read this...

Al Kresta on his radio show today was interviewing a very interesting guest who has written a book about the  murder of her sister  and forgiveness. I was quite taken with the interview. I have not read the book, but I intend to.


Easter is about finding "that green one." I see my former denomination's outgoing Presiding Bishop still can't preach her way out of a box.


I am generally skeptical of anything CBN News puts out , but I independently verified this is accurate. This is going to put all sorts of interesting spin on the Sovereignty of Native Tribes discussion, and ain't nobody going to be able to cry racism or white privledge or any of those other PC Unprovable Boogeymen.

Get ready to burn some incense to Caesar

Read this article closely.  It is alarming, but I think right on what exactly is going to start happening. 

Happy Easter!


Good Friday from the Vatican

I got to listen to this today as I was driving, as the local station was playing the Pontifical Good Friday liturgy from the Vatican. i thought it was a jolly good homily by the preacher of the Papal household,  Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM  .

I just don't get it.

A friend of mind posted this article from an extremely liberal/progressive website that makes a very interesting commentary  and poses an interesting conundrum on the whole Indiana religious freedom law kerfuffle. I agree with the article insomuch as this is where I have a cognitive disconnect from the current emotional flap over all this. I had the same disconnect when I watched my liberal friends on social media lose their minds and/or have philosophical melt downs over the Hobby Lobby case. The one thing that I would generally heretofore actually agree with liberal folk on (and in full disclosure, I am probably not unlike Mr. Carson on Downton Abbey who once said, "I've never been mistaken for a liberal in my life, and I'm not about to start now!") was sticking up for the little guy in terms of the economic behemoth that is Western capitalism and defending freedom for dissenting voices because it is exactly the dissenting voices that need protection. No one is go...