
Showing posts from February, 2016

Christianity and Islam, part III

I apologize for my delay in the latest in my Lenten series on Islam. I am concurrently doing a bible study at my parish on a completely different topic, which has required more prep work that I was expecting. As such, my research for this blog series has remained in my head and not written down. In any event, I thought for this post I would go in a bit of a different direction. I have another topic on Islam and Jesus that is in the hopper, but I am going to have to whittle it down, as it is way too long. That topic could be a mini-series unto itself. Keeping with the general Catholic buzzword for the year of mercy, I thought it might be interesting to discuss the issue of the Sanctity of Life in both Islam and Christianity. This topic may stretch you a bit, if all you know of Muslims are the crazy people who blow themselves up in the Intifada against Israel or something. Personally, I think Palestinians do their cause a disservice by engaging in suicide bombings because for most o...

Happy Valentine's Day

I’m not sure God wants us to be happy. I think he wants us to love, and be loved. But we are like children, thinking our toys will make us happy and the whole world is our nursery. Something must drive us out of that nursery and into the lives of others, and that something is suffering. -C. S. Lewis

Christianity and Islam, part II

(For my first two entries in this Lenten series that explain why I am doing this, go here and here .) There are several topics of theology that I want to cover in my (hopefully not vain) attempt to bring some clarity on the teachings of Islam to my readers. I was debating at this juncture how best to dive into this topic, and I concluded that perhaps the best place to start is the concept of God. Muslims refer to God as Allah.The term Allāh is derived from a contraction of the Arabic definite article al- "the" and ilāh "deity, god" to al-lāh meaning "the deity" or "the God." Despite claims to the contrary, this does not refer specifically to God as an "Islamic" God like a Baal or a Poseidon. Allah cannot be pluralized and references a key concept in Islam that God is unique and can have no partner. The term Allah is very closely related to the Aramaic name for God, Allaha, and the Hebrew, Elohim. In Islam, God is the creator and ...

Christianity and Islam, part I

There has been much ado (mainly in certain American Christian circles) since the French Paris Terror attacks about whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Before I continue on my blog series on comparative religion, I suppose I should put down up front where I am on that issue. I personally have issue with saying Muslims worship another God because if you posit that they worship another God solely on the fact that they don't have an understanding of the Trinity, then you logically have to say that Jews worshiped another God too. If you go there, it's Marcionism all over again. I just can't go there personally. Muslims claim to worship the God of Abraham. Scientific tests of genetics have concluded that modern Jews and Arabs do have a common ancestor. To me, it is not my place to tell God who is or is not in the "Children of Abraham" club; that is for God and God alone to sort out. Any child of Abraham, no matter how much I may disagree with them about...

Different Track for Lent

In years past during Lent on this blog, I have done various series on different theological topics. I have not done a good series in a while, mainly because I just have not had the inspiration and/or time. However, I think I have hit upon a topic that might interest people. Perhaps it is more precise to say that what I have in mind is of interest to me, and maybe the topic will be for you. With all things social media, I find it difficult to guess what will generate the most discussion and what will flop, as it seems to me that the more innocuous and mundane a post, the more discussion it will generate. For instance, Facebook back around New Year's had an app that let me see my top 3 most liked postings of the past year. I was astounded that my number one post with both the most comments and 'likes' was a picture I had posted back in August of my home grown tomatoes. I was quite surprised, which can only lead me to believe that either I am the greatest tomato grower in the ...

This is how an Empire dies. Right here.

These new projections by the Congressional Budget Office are truly horrifying . "The projected deficits would push debt held by the public up to 86 percent of GDP by the end of the 10-year period, a little more than twice the average over the past five decades. Beyond the 10-year period, if current laws remained in place, the pressures that had contributed to rising deficits during the baseline period would accelerate and push debt up even more sharply. Three decades from now, for instance, debt held by the public is projected to equal 155 percent of GDP, a higher percentage than any previously recorded in the United States."

Can a Catholic in good conscience vote for Bernie Sanders?

Fr. Longnecker puts it succinctly : Democratic Socialism is not necessarily the deal breaker.

Beware the Moloch's Insatiable Appetite for Human Flesh...

US Military Generals now want women to register for the draft. Apparently, the lessons from the French Revolution, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and Khmer Rouge have already been forgotten. The anti-human agenda of the egalitarians always -- ALWAYS -- requires blood sacrifices. As the Roman Empire US Government stumbles blindly along the path of absolute equality between the sexes, it will inevitably cause the death of many women who simply are not capable of combat. Then there are the unfortunate male soldiers who will suffer because their female comrades couldn't perform up to speed. But so what? All that matters is that we pretend to believe in official doctrine. The human consequences are of no concern. At least not to those in charge -- after all it is not daughters they want to send to war.

I had fun making this...

Is this Donald Trump or P.T. Barnum ? Please feel free to share.

Prayer attributed to Mother Teresa

           People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.  Forgive them anyway.             If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.  Be kind anyway.             If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.  Succeed anyway.            If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.  Be honest and sincere anyway.             What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.  Create anyway.             If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.  Be happy anyway.             The good you do today, will often be forgotten.  Do good anyway.          Give the best you have, and it will never be enou...

Watching Post-Modernism Deconstruct Itself.

This is hoot .