I guess I really am a senior

We started the new quarter today, and I am in the class called Practicum in Liturgical Celebration, commonly referred to as "Play Church" where we dress up in vestments and such and practice saying the mass, etc.

I guess I really am a senior now. Play Church was the class I sat in on as a prospective student when I visited Seabury back in my John Calvin award low church days four years ago. So "Play church" has always been the bench mark in my mind of "you will do this when you are a wise Jedi well versed in the ways of the Force about to graduate." I never thought it would get here, but it has.

So now I am a High Church Lord of the Sith or at least the Biretta really about to graduate.

The End is Near.

Repent...and all that jazz (or at least get a cool red light saber).


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