Who'd have thought...

I was in charge of hosting coffee hour after church today. Being a culinary snob cook, I decided to make some Baklava and 4 Cheese Pate, amongst other things. I even made some chocolate covered strawberries for the kids.

For the pate, I had set out some of those fancy vegetable crackers, but only having one box, I also broke up some matza crackers into smaller squares. You would have thought I had served candy bars. The kids loved the Matza crackers, coming up three and four times to get more, leaving over half the strawberries.

If I had known that, I wouldn't have messed with melting chocolate at 6 AM. Who'd have thought...


Merely Human said…
They abandoned the chocolate-covered strawberries? What kind of children were they? Did they not understand the delicacy that they were ignoring? I know, I know, they must have given up chocolate for Lent. That's the only plausible explanation! ;)

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