Bible Study Ideas

I am suppose to start leading some sort of adult forum/bible study. Anybody have any good ideas or curriculum for such a forum?


Stephen Newell said…
Yeah. Pick a book of the Bible - any book will do - and lead your group through it verse by verse. 1 John wouldn't be a bad place to start. It's Basic Christianity 101.
Lectionary study groups are a good place to start too, because the material is reinforced in worship. I'm a fan of Living the Good News curriculum. But, lectionary groups don't have good start & stop points.
Anonymous said…
Is it for college students?
Kyle said…
Eucharistic theology.

What a silly question.
I'm leaning towards a lectionary bible study. The deacon at a previous parish I worked at had a bible study he called "Siskel and Ebert: A Preview of Coming attractions" where he would actually discuss the lectionary readings for the coming Sunday, not the actual Sunday itself. I am thinking of maybe doing something like that.

As for the demographic, I would imagine for the lectionary study, it would be adults. If there was enough interest, I would consider doing an additional college age bible study, but it would have to be a week night or something.

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