Other Tasks as Assigned...

My church had a minor graffiti incident last night. Nothing major, just a few gang signs spray painted on one of the brick columns that hold up the St. Mark's sign. The cops said that there had been a rash of them on the Lincoln campus area over the last three weeks or so. That's about the extent of Lincoln crime waves. If you build it, they will spray paint.

This must be a job for the curate under the "other tasks as assigned" clause in said Curate's said contract. Unfortunately, I know all too well. Between last summer on the Lakota reservation and working at St Paul's in urban Chicago as a seminarian for 3 years give-or-take, I have become well versed in the Jedi arts of graffiti removal.

Pressure washing works best, but is a pain to have to rent and is a mess with water dust slurping about, hitting the passers by. If it isn't too large a graffiti exhibition, usually you can get the spray can of graffiti vandalism remover at the hardware store which usually works on surfaces that are not too porous. If that does not work, transmission fluid will take it right off.

Things you learn on the Rez...


Anonymous said…
Helpful hints from the curate. This is VERY valuable information (NOT sacrasm).

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