Thoughts on Via Media

Has anyone used the Via Media curriculum? In my ongoing quest to build a solid inquirer's class curriculum that isn't flaky, esoterically irrelevant, or bizarrely heretical, I've been viewing those videos (amongst other materials). Given it is from All Saints-Pasadena (who have banned anything that smacks of atonement theories from their liturgy) I am somewhat skeptical.

I do not see that they are of much use to anyone. Anyone have thoughts?


Jennifer said…
I haven't used them yet, but my field placement parish does, so I can let you know what I think after we start in October.
Kyle said…
You should use "living the questions."

Beth said…
I think AKMA represents the conservative viewpoint on one, if that tells you anything.

When I was interning with the campus ministry, our inquirers class was based on the different parts of the Apostles' Creed and the different vows of the baptismal covenant. I thought it was pretty decent.

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