What temp is it?

I have discovered that in South Dakota, in lieu of spring, there is another season: Mud Season.

Considering it was -5 degrees F a few days ago, it seriously felt like a heat wave today, as it was about 40. The snow was melting like crazy. We still have a good bit, but at least I am seeing some patches of grass.

The ground is still frozen, however, and thus the melted snow does not really go anywhere. It just changes form, into water and mud puddles. Then at night it will freeze and turn into muddy ice slicks.

Needless to say, the dog is getting many more baths, which does not thrill him. The price you pay for a good mud romp I suppose.


Veritas said…
It was warm here, really turning into spring, but I think you post jinxed us! The weather has turned wet and cold for the past few days.
Thanks a lot! :P

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