Holy Week
I've been waste deep in Holy Week planning this week, so I have not had a whole lot of time to blog. (What's a few extra sermons to write up?) However, I think I have a handle on it now.
Our Holy Week Schedule at St Paul's in Brookings, SD is:
Tuesday of Holy Week: Morning Prayer: 8AM
Eucharist, Rite II: 12:30
Evening Prayer: 5PM
Wednesday of Holy Week: Holy Eucharist: 8AM
Soup dinner and devotions, 6PM
Maundy Thursday with Foot washing and the Stripping of the Altar: 7PM
Good Friday Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross: 12:15
Stations of the Cross, 6PM on Good Friday
Easter Vigil with the Lighting of the Paschal Candle and Renewal of Baptismal Vows: 8PM
Easter Day: 10AM with Easter Egg Hunt after church service
Confessions will be heard from 8:30 to 9, Tuesday-Friday or by appointment
All are welcome to attend.
Eucharist, Rite II: 12:30
Evening Prayer: 5PM
Wednesday of Holy Week: Holy Eucharist: 8AM
Soup dinner and devotions, 6PM
Maundy Thursday with Foot washing and the Stripping of the Altar: 7PM
Good Friday Liturgy with Veneration of the Cross: 12:15
Stations of the Cross, 6PM on Good Friday
Easter Vigil with the Lighting of the Paschal Candle and Renewal of Baptismal Vows: 8PM
Easter Day: 10AM with Easter Egg Hunt after church service
Confessions will be heard from 8:30 to 9, Tuesday-Friday or by appointment
All are welcome to attend.