"It has long been clear that to oppose the gay agenda means running a gauntlet of intolerance. An alarming number of Christians have been arrested, jailed or otherwise had their collars felt after preaching against homosexuality. Bill Edwards, a former teacher in his seventies, was asked by a police officer to stop preaching as passers-by found it "offensive". When he refused, six officers grabbed and arrested him... Underneath the "equality" rainbow, free speech seems to have died... The intolerance, however, extends far more widely. In the 1990s, when I started writing about the breakdown of the nuclear familiy, I quickly found certain things had become unsayable. Researchers who produced evidence of the harm often done to children by divorce or elective fatherlessness were not only villified as "senile", "sloppy" or - again - "Christian", their grant funding dried up. At government level, statistics revealing that unmarried co...