Thoughts on the 3rd Sunday of Lent
Today, the Gospel reading confronts the hearers today with a profound image of Jesus performing an act that seems out of character for Jesus. The act might seem excessive, or even violent. Did Jesus, in fact, act out of violence in today’s reading? This is a depiction of Jesus that would seem to be at odds with the more peaceful images of Jesus as the Good Shepherd or of the loving Son of the Father who dies for the world for the forgiveness of sins. To give a little background to the Gospel passage, the first reading is from the Book of Exodus (20: 1-17) . The story tells of the giving of the Ten Commandments, which form the foundation of God's covenant with His people. Among these commandments is the injunction, "You shall not kill." This commandment reminds us of the sacredness of human life and the inherent dignity of every person. It calls us to reject violence in all its forms and to strive for peace and reconciliation in our relationships. The Psalmist ( Psalm 19...