Thoughts on Holy Week

With the start of the new quarter on Holy Week (a horrible idea I think), I have not had a whole lot of time to reflect on the big week of the Christian year. Wednesday we had a tenebrae service here with the St Gregory boys choir. It was beautiful but I thought they were going to chant the entire psalter. It went on a bit long, though I enjoy the nocturns.
The Maundy Thursday service is always one that leaves me with a sense of hyperventilation. At the end when they strip the altar and take everything away to symbolize the death of Christ, I always am just Instead of bantering on, I will include this prayer for Good Friday. Maybe sometime I will have time to reflect on Holy Week in more detail...

Lord Jesus Christ, who for the redemption of mankind didst ascend the cross, that thou mightest enlighten the world that lay in darkness: gather us this day with all they faithful to that same holy cross; that, gazing in penitence upon thy great sacrifice for us, we may be loosed from all our sins, and entering into the mystery of thy passion, be crucified to the vain pomp and power of this passing world; and finding our glory in the cross alone, we may attain at last thy everlasting glory, where thou, the lamb that once was slain, reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.


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