The Last Word on Diocesan Convention

I just returned from the Diocesan convention of the Diocese of South Dakota. This is not a rich diocese by any stretch of the imagination, in fact its still a missionary diocese. Thus, the theme of convention was stewardship.

Given all we talked about, I think the final word on the matter should come from the Desert Fathers:

A very rich man who lived in Alexandria prayed to God every day that the lives of the indigent be made easier. On hearing about this, Abba Makarios sent him a message: "I would like to own all your estate."

The man was puzzled, and sent one of his servants to ask what [Abba Makarios] would do with all that wealth.

Abba Makarios said: "Tell your master that I would immediately answer his prayer."

-From Sayings of the Desert Fathers. Penguin Books, 1997.


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