New Liturgical Resource

So, I got an e-mail (advertisement) from Church Publishing Today, claiming that they now offered a new supplement to the Book of Common Prayer. This usually makes me skeptical because a lot of the supplemental liturgical resources are, shall we say, theologically suspect. (I just don't do Politically Correct language liturgies.) However, this one actually peeked my interest.

The resource is Proper Prefaces for each Sunday of the Year based on the Lectionary readings for the Sunday. The proper preface is the part the priest usually sings in the Eucharistic prayer after the "Lift up your hearts" part but before the "Holy, Holy, Holy" part.

This interested me particularly for the Sundays of Ordinary Time. Each Sunday in Advent or Lent, for instance, usually have a specific and original Proper Preface. The prayerbook only has 3 for the Trinity season. Excuse me, I guess we call it the completely droll sounding "Season After Pentecost" now. (And you wonder why I cringe at things like liturgical supplements.)

There are a few samples for download here. As you can see, they are already musically notated for chant. I'm curious. Has anyone tried these or looked at them in detail? They are almost 30 dollars for a download, and then only for Year C in the lectionary. So, that must mean another $60 for Years A and B when they come out.

Just curious.


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