Busy Summer

There is some farcical idea in some church circles that the summer is the "quiet time" during the church year. There isn't Sunday school; there isn't a major holiday like Christmas or Easter (though Pentecost will likely fall in summer next year because Easter will be on April 24th in 2011.) While those things are true, summer time in parish work is far from "quiet."

I feel like I have been incredibly busy this summer to the point that I am looking forward to "quieting down" for the regular year. Youth camps, youth groups, vacation, rummage sales, Mass in the Grass (on the hottest Sunday of the year), and funerals have all added to a particularly busy season as summers go.

As such, my blog posting has been somewhat erratic.  Now that fall seems to be on the way (hopefully it won't snow for another month or two), my blog output will hopefully return to a more regular schedule.


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