Tonight at St. Paul's

We are still planning to have soup supper tonight for anyone who is in town and can get around. I'm doing Creole for the first ethnic meal and already have all the stuff. (I doubt I will be able to obtain fresh okra again.) Don't feel obligated to come. I know the roads are a slushy mess out there and will probably only get worse after the sun goes down. 

As with any Church function: if in doubt, be safe and stay home.

If you can get out and about, come on down. The Creole will warm you up.

Tonight's menu:
Vegetable Gumbo
A Crawfish dish to be named later.

We will not start the Wednesday Night Lent bible study until next week, as I know a few people who might not be able to get to town do want to come to that. We can, after dinner, do Stations of the Cross for anyone who is interested.

-The Archer


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