Question for the Studio Audience
One of the customs I have always enjoyed around Saint Nicholas Day (December 6th) is the getting and sending of St. Nicholas Day cards. This is great, especially for kids to get a reminder that the real Saint Nicholas is not the silly old American elf of Chrismus.
Apparently this custom is a dying art from because I can no longer find St. Nicholas Day greeting cards hardly anywhere. There are about 3 at the Saint Nicholas Center website that can be purchased, but they are ultra modern looking (not my thing) and they haven't changed their 3 designs in years. I used to get them from the Conception Abbey Printery House, but even they don't print any Nicholas Day cards anymore. (It is a sad day when you can't talk monks into printing religious cards...believe me, I've tried more than once. They tell me no one buys them anymore and they lose money.)
If I were to design and have some Saint Nicholas Day greeting cards professionally printed, would anyone be interested in ordering some from me? I am appalled that there are virtually no St. Nicholas Day cards available anywhere in catalogs or on the internet, at least that I can find. I think I can design some nice ones, and I would sell them at cost.
Any takers? If so, let me know either in the comments, as I will need to get to work on that immediately since St. Nicholas Day is a scant 3 and half months away.
Apparently this custom is a dying art from because I can no longer find St. Nicholas Day greeting cards hardly anywhere. There are about 3 at the Saint Nicholas Center website that can be purchased, but they are ultra modern looking (not my thing) and they haven't changed their 3 designs in years. I used to get them from the Conception Abbey Printery House, but even they don't print any Nicholas Day cards anymore. (It is a sad day when you can't talk monks into printing religious cards...believe me, I've tried more than once. They tell me no one buys them anymore and they lose money.)
If I were to design and have some Saint Nicholas Day greeting cards professionally printed, would anyone be interested in ordering some from me? I am appalled that there are virtually no St. Nicholas Day cards available anywhere in catalogs or on the internet, at least that I can find. I think I can design some nice ones, and I would sell them at cost.
Any takers? If so, let me know either in the comments, as I will need to get to work on that immediately since St. Nicholas Day is a scant 3 and half months away.