Exactly as I have said...

In 1990, Ireland was by far the most actively Catholic country still left in Europe. 30+ years later, Ireland has become one of the most secular countries in Europe, even more so that the UK or places on Continental Europe. That is a remarkable feat. What took most of Europe over a century to descend into, Ireland did in less than a generation. So, what happened? 

This is a marvelous analysis of how the Church has collapsed in Ireland in an incredibly rapid amount of time. I have said these things for years. I don't agree with everything he says at the end, but I think the points in the beginning are spot on. I have said for years it was a collapse the Church brought completely on itself. It was a clerical state where clergy ruled like dictators who were above the law. It was the ultimate "Yes, Father..." society where as the presenter calls a Church society that had no need of the laity:

I have long said that was precisely what happened. People want to say that it was the clergy abuse scandal. While a true scandal, yes, the truth of that did not largely drop until after the majority of Ireland had largely rejected the Church. In a world where the laity were not needed, the laity finally said, "Fine. If you don't need or want us, then we're out..." And so it was a classic case of "be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." 

In essence, many cultural Catholics were never invited into any meaningful relationship with Christ. A false Christ was created, and when that idol finally fell and shattered all over the ground, Ireland's cultural Catholicism shattered along with it. Really, at the end of the day, that's not necessarily a bad thing. False idols must die. Christianity made with clay feet will crumble. 

 And rightly so.


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