Ash Wednesday Mania

I wanted to post last night, but frankly, I was too tired. It felt like I had pretty much been in church all day, which coincidentally I mostly had. We had our usual 11:15 service here at Seabury with a guest preacher from the Order of the Holy Cross in New York.

Then the fun began. I had to officiate at Evensong at 5:15, which was the first time I have had to do that here at Seabury. I did forget my glass of water, which I initially thought was going to be bad because my throat gets reallly dry when I start to sing. I think it went well despite that as I hit all the notes. I got good feedback for everyone afterward.

After that, I had to rush over to the church I attend here in Chicago and help with their Ash Wednesday service. Which was amusing because the priest there just adopted an abused Saluki who decided he was going to process in with us and sit up next to the altar. That was a new one. That service went well though. We had an interesting collection of newcomers, which is always good.

So, the marathon is over.
Lent begins.


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