Nebraska Lost Boys of Sudan info

This just came over the e-mail wire from the Diocese of Nebraska:
-The Archer+


Father Daniel Kuot, our Sudanese Missioner, has recently returned from six months in Boma County, Sudan. Boma is located in the southeastern corner of Southern Sudan on the Ethiopian border. Boma County is home to approximately 300,000 indigenous people and covers an estimated area of 1500 square kilometers, and is predominately mountainous, primitive and undeveloped. There are five districts in Boma, (Uptown Boma, Kachipo, Jie, Hgalam, and Anyuak) each with their own tribe and language. Fr. Daniel has constructed a main building in Boma which will serve as a headquarters for all of his missionary work in this area. The building is complete except for the roof, which will be finished by the end of July and ready to be used for education, a medical clinic and church services.
The goals and objectives of the Boma Project are:
Evangelization: To preach the Word of God and create ministries and discipleship in Boma County and the training of local pastors to serve their communities.
Education: To begin education for children and adults to have access to basic primary education, including the English language, which will be the new language of Southern Sudan. Also to provide vocational training; i.e. agriculture, carpentry, tailoring, welding, tie-die and other handcraft trades.
Health Care: To provide access to quality basic preventive and primary health care for mothers and children, personal hygiene and general sanitation including clean water supply for Boma County. To also provide preliminary assessment of typhoid, malaria, syphilis, HIV, AIDS and alcohol and tobacco related diseases.

How can you and your parish partner with Fr. Daniel in his mission work?
v Invite Fr. Daniel to come to your parish and share with you his mission work and how you can be directly involved. Contact him at or call Church of the Resurrection 402/455-7015 to schedule a visit before he returns to the Sudan in September.

v Make a tax deductible contribution to his ongoing mission work by sending your check payable to: CORE Outreach Center, Inc., c/o Church of the Resurrection, 3004 Belvedere Blvd., Omaha, NE 68111.

v Pray for continued peace in Southern Sudan; for an end to the genocide in Darfur; and for Fr. Daniel’s continued missionary work in Boma County.


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