A new ministry in an interesting place...

The Following is from the Newsletter of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.
-The Archer

Mrs. K is in her mid-80's - she's not sure of her exact age.  She shares two spare rooms with her developmentally delayed daughter. They're pictured at the top of this page.   Her daughter is able to get some occasional part time work as a cleaning woman in the local school, but the pay is poor - less than $300 a month.  It's all they have. 
There are no pensions, no hope for more income.  As Mrs. K becomes more frail, she wonders what will become of her and who will take care of her daughter if she is no longer there for her. 
The Rev. Hanna Dalleh, priest at St. Andrew's parish in Ramallah and also St. Peter's in Birzeit, ministers to Mrs. K and many others like her.  Their stories break his heart.  He's brought his congregation together to pool funds to buy food for Mrs. K and many others who have no means of support.  Fr. Hanna calls on each elderly parishioner, bringing a few minutes of joy into their lives as well as nutrition. 
Their families have left, seeking a better life in another country.  Unwilling or unable to face the daunting changes in language and lifestyle, many of the elderly opt to stay behind in the community they know and love.  But the tragic result is a large number of failing, frail elderly with no one to care for them. 
St. Peter's Home for the Elderly is under construction in Birzeit, a Diocesan project to provide shelter and a sense of security and hope to 16 of Fr. Hanna's seniors.  It's pictured to the left above.  Your gifts can help create a long term solution to this sad situation.  Please help us get this facility completed so Mrs. K and her daughter, and others like her, can live with dignity and peace of mind. Naming opportunities exist for capital gifts, a permanent way to be remembered in love. 


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