There was a lady in my parish who just had her second child. It was discovered that she had never had a baby shower, so my wife and a few of the ladies in the parish cooked one up for her. They had a good turn out I am told. (I was also told that guys were not allowed, which is fine. I came to the realization long ago that many things have to be left in the hands of the Almighty, or the church ladies, whichever comes first.)
Hmmm...more diapers |
It was requested by the mother that in lieu of regular baby gifts and such that they throw a "diaper shower." So, most of the gifts involved diapers. Having had a child that is now (thankfully) mostly out of diapers, I can only say I wish I'd have thought of this before. Diapers are expensive.
The Diaper Cake |
In light of the diaper shower theme, my wife was scouring
Pinterest, which I am convinced is simply Google image search in estrogen form. She came up with this clever "diaper cake." It's not edible of course (well, I guess you could eat a diaper but that's not recommended...), but looks like a cake. It was simply made up of diapers.
This is quite clever, really. |
I would only add that my contribution was the wooden animals you see. I did them on my scroll saw from some patterns I got out of a
woodworking book. I added a nice bee's wax coating with some drops of mint extract. The animals, thus, had a nice minty smell. They are called "Woodimals" in scroll saw magazines.
I think they turned out quite nice, as did the diaper cake.
Well done, everyone.