Back from Camp
I have returned from a wonderful few days in the Black Hills at the Diocese of South Dakota's Thunderhead Episcopal Center. I was the chaplain for the 5th/6th Grade/Family camp. I think we had upwards of 30+ campers and parents, which is fabulous for TEC. Not that many years ago, I think we have about 5 campers.
It was sheer bliss in that I was completely isolated from the bizarro world of the Episcopal Church's General Convention going on currently in Indianapolis. I really try to make it a policy that this blog not badmouth the Episcopal church or the office of the Presiding Bishop, though I very rarely agree with anything that comes from either of them very much these days.
From what I am hearing and reading, General Convention 2012 seems to be more of the same.I am going to refrain from making any further comments about General Convention until the dust settles, and I can study the resolutions and general fallout from this circus august gathering.