Daily Office option

For those interested in such things, the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (the Catholic Ordinariate for Australia's converting Anglicans) has launched a marvelous online edition of the Catholic Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer online.

If you are like me and from the Anglican tradition of saying Morning and Evening prayer but found the modern English translations of the Daily Office to be somewhat unfulfilling, this is an excellent resource. They do follow their own unique reading cycle, particularly with the Psalms, so if you are obliged to follow the exact format of your local Diocese because of Ordination, this may not be for you. It is also only Morning and Evening Prayer and not the entire Daily Office (at least yet). Of course, it is also the Commonwealth edition, so there are prayers for the King and Royal Family. I suppose you could admit those if you chose. So, be aware of that as well. 

However, if you prefer the stodgy old King's English of the traditional Anglican Morning and Evening Prayer, this is truly delightful. Particularly the older (proper) translation of the Canticles like the Nunc dimittis or the Magnificat. (I never could bring myself to pray anything other than "and the rich He hath sent empty away.") 

So, give it a whirl if that's your thing.


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