Something a bit different today than my normal reflections. I thought I would delve a little bit more into a topic that is not necessarily theological in nature. I am a real person, and not some ethereal doctor in an ivory tower who gets to smoke a pipe and contemplate the infinite mysteries all day. So, today, I thought I would delve into one of my personal hobbies: board gaming. Now, do not tune me out because you hear "board gaming" and immediately default in your brain to your brother overturning a table with Monopoly money flying everywhere because the game has gone on for hours and overturning the table was the only option left other than murder. Most people, including myself at one time, thought of board games as those boring or frustrating games that seem stuck in 1952. You know the usual suspects: Clue!, Monopoly, Scrabble, Chess, maybe even more saccharine games like Life or Candy Land, i.e. those games that everyone owned at some p...
One thing I can recall is when the rector made the comment, "When our ancestors came down from the trees..." and the lady next to me said in a defiant voice, "Not mine!"
Or if you wish, I can extract the Gospel verses for you and you can take it from there.
I'll look into that Uncomfortable Words book. That intrigues me, although I think that might be a hard sell attendance wise. "Yeah, come for fellowship and uncomfortable words!"
I am also going to float this idea to the youth group tonight and see if they come up with any interesting ideas for topics.